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How do we ensure freedom and prosperity for all? Click on picture to enrol.

Economics with Justice

In-person and Online Economics with Justice courses administered by our head School in London, the School of Philosophy and Economic Science.

Term Date: 25th September 2023 to 9th December 2023 (half-term 23rd to 28th October.)

Can viewing economics as the study of human relations in society – through a prism of justice, fairness and natural law – help us better understand the world and our place in it?

Our course in Economics with Justice seeks to show how freedom and prosperity are possible for people everywhere, provided we follow natural and elemental laws, and aim for fair outcomes in all our economic arrangements.

Enrol today for our stimulating and thought-provoking online course of ten weekly sessions.

The In-person Classes last for 2 hours and the Online classes for 75 minutes. Choose a day and time that suits you.

Fee: £60.00 (reduced from £150.00).    Click here to enrol.